A New Beginning is just that, a place where God’s mercy is new every morning. We believe God wants to meet you right where you are. He changes us from the inside out. He has established His heart into human vessels and together we are changing the world one heart at a time!
Coming Events
Healing School - will be on Wednesdays @ 6:30pm starting January 1st here at the church in the sanctuary. We will be sharing scriptural truths to help people not only contend for their own healing, but to help bring healing to others. Come and invite your loved ones who need a touch from God!
Anniversary Banquet - January 5 @ 10:00am. We will be celebrating having A New Beginning’s 30th Anniversary Banquet.
Prayer - 9:45. We are having Pre-Service Prayer is in the Youth room. Come join us!
Bible Study - We are have a Bible Study on every other Friday at 6:30pm. Join us as we dig deeper into God's word. It will be at the church office (6708-B 144th St NW Gig Harbor) and is open to everyone!
Live Streaming -We are live streaming on Sundays 10am and Wednesdays 6:30pm. If you can’t make it to church, come join us for the live streams on Facebook and YouTube.
Prayer Meeting - Every Thursday at 10am at the church office. Prayer is the engine that drives the church!
Building Fund -We are currently raising a building fund. We have a goal of $100,000. This is a faith project. God is able to supply all of our needs according to his riches and glory. If you feel led to donate, you can click on the link on the Giving page. God has a plan! God is able!
Mobile App - A New Beginning has a mobile app! In your app store, search for “ANBFCC”. Download the app that has our logo on it. Be sure to sign up for push notifications!
YouTube Channel - Please subscribe to our YouTube channel! Go to YouTube.com and search for “ANBFCC”. When you see the dove logo, you found the channel. Once you are in the channel, hit the subscribe button.
Quick Info
Sunday: 10:00 am Main Service 10:45 am Kid’s Church 10:45 am Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 pm Main Service 6:30 pm Youth Group Thursday: 10:00 am Intercessory Prayer at the Church office
Services 5000 Bethel Rd SE Port Orchard, WA 98367
Mailing Address P.O Box 428 Burley, WA 98322 Office Address 6708-B 144th St NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332 Phone Number: (360) 874-8404